Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy is the treatment of body ailments by various physical or non medicinal means. This can include the use of a variety of exercise techniques and various modalities, such as heat, massage, cold, ultrasound, electrical stimulations, TENS, traction, manual therapy, to name a few.
Functional Capacity Evaluation
Frequently your claim may need objective data to determine the degree of disability or level of function you are at. With FCAs (aka PCEs) we can provide the necessary information to complete your claim.
Occupational/Lymphedema Treatment
Available in the Coos Bay Office.
Worksite reviews, Ergonomic Evaluations
John Breurer has received his certification as a Certified Ergonomic Evaluation Specialist (CEES) and is able to provide your company with necessary information to help determine where the trouble spots are, or to do individual workstation evaluations, with economic suggestions to decrease work-related stressors.
Off-site visit to your personal health club
Do you already belong to a local health club and are not sure what exercises are safe for you to do? As your therapy is coming to an end, we can arrange to meet you at your club to help you re-establish a safe workout to resume.
Local High School Sports Medicine Coverage
Our staff of Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants, are also trained in sports medicine issues and frequently attend local high schools during the practice week and often events to provide onsite evaluations to players and coaches to help prevent injuries during training, or trouble-shoot potential injuries and facilitate necessary treatment.